What is WebAssembly? and does it have the potential to replace JavaScript on the web?

What is WebAssembly? and does it have the potential to replace JavaScript on the web?

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Since the inception of the web, the target compiler language has been JavaScript. Every web developer, myself included, has to have a good understanding of JavaScript, then advance to learning its frameworks, either for the front end or back end. Truth be told, JavaScript is a bit stressful to work with, especially if you’re working on a large project and that’s where a language like TypeScript comes in, which is built on JavaScript but with type checking, meaning errors will be identified during run time and save you loads of time that you could have otherwise used during debugging your project, which is the worst situation to be in as a developer.

That was just some background information to get you up to speed. Now that we are on the same page, here’s the deal: everyone has that one language that they love programming in and sometimes wish they could use it in a more versatile manner, say use it to write code that will run on the web. I bear good news, you can do exactly that, with Web Assembly.

What is WebAssembly? WebAssembly is a binary instruction format that boosts the efficiency of web browser programs. It gives a programmer the power to create web applications in the language of their choice and creates minimal file sizes that load and run more quickly. In comparison to JavaScript, it is a new low-level binary compile format that is more suitable as a compiler target. Great news, right? I know you are as elated as I was when I first heard about Web Assembly.

As a developer, you can write in your preferred language, say C, C++ or Rust, which is subsequently translated into WebAssembly bytecode, meaning WebAssembly is not a programming language and you won’t have to learn a new language, if at all you may be wondering. After you have written your code, the bytecode is performed on the client, usually in a web browser, where it is converted into native machine code.

WebAssembly has a load of perks, including its compatibility with contemporary browsers and support for a variety of languages, including C, C++, Go and Rust.

JavaScript is not meant to be replaced with WebAssembly, but rather to be used in collaboration with it. After all, JavaScript is still one of the core technologies of the web, since the inception of what we know as the World Wide Web, and powers more than 90% of websites on the client side for webpage behavior.

Developers have been adopting WebAssembly, especially for performance-intensive use cases like video editing, CAD Applications, gaming (which are intensive in terms of heavy graphics) and music streaming.

Figma is an example of a web service that has already embraced WebAssembly, having been written in C++ and it is evident how powerful it is as it is a collaborative design tool on the web and is performance intensive. WebAssembly supports a variety of languages such as C, C++, C#, Rust, Swift, Kotlin and Go, but support for other languages is being added, so don’t be all sully if your favorite language is not yet supported. Chances are it will be supported by the time you are reading this.

The majority of WebAssembly scenarios involve writing code in a high-level language and converting it to WebAssembly. This can be accomplished in one of these three ways:

  1. Through direct compilation.

  2. Through third-party tools.

  3. Through a WebAssembly-based interpreter.

If at all you were interested in web development and for some reason don’t like JavaScript, WebAssembly has got your back. You can still create awesome web applications using your favorite language, so long as it is supported by WebAssembly. Happy coding!